Combined pin clip suitable for stenters
system Brückner
with upper sliding guide and stainless steel sliding
Combined pin clip suitable for
stenters system Brückner
with upper sliding guide and stainless steel sliding
Stenter clip with roller feeler
suitable for stenter frame system Brückner
Vertical guide plate (angular iron) is
component part of the transport chain
Combined pin clip with roller feeler
suitable for stenter frame system Brückner
Pin plate carrier type A
vertical guide plate (angular iron)
is component part of the transport chain
Pin link
suitable for stenters system Brückner
with upper sliding guide and stainless steel
sliding piece
Pin link
suitable for stenter frame system Brückner
Vertical guide plate (angular iron) is
component part of the transport chain
Pin link
suitable for stenter frame system Brückner
Vertical guide edge is integrant part of
clip body
Transport chain, complete, with Grooved
Ball Bearings, suitable for stenter frame
system Brückner
Self Locking Nut Is available separately
Complete sliding chain,
with angular iron suitable for stenter
frame system Brückner
Self Locking Nut Is available separately
Ragione Sociale: GERLACH S.r.l. - Via Dell'Artigianato, 2/4 -
21040 Origgio (VA)
ITALY - Cod. Fiscale e Partita IVA: 01211290125
Ufficio del Registro delle Imprese di: VARESE - Numero di iscrizione REA: 163486 - Capitale Sociale interamente versato: Euro 103.300.00 PRIVACY - COOKIE