Combined pin clip with roller feeler
suitable for stenter frame system Monforts
Fastening of pin plate with rapid lock
Stenter clip with roller feeler
suitable for stenter frame system Monforts
Pin link
suitable for stenter frame system Monforts
The pin plate carrier is also available with fabric holder,
Ref. 63F
Transport chain, complete suitable
for stenter frame system Monforts
Ball Bearings directly lubricated with long-term
grease provider of long life synthetic bushes
62 A
Transport chain, complete
suitable for stenter frame system Monforts
lubricated with long-term grease
provider of long life collar synthetic bushes
62 P
Transport chain, complete
suitable for stenter frame system Monforts
lubricated with long-term grease with synthetic-bushes
Clip for sanfor machine complete of
transport chain
System Monforts,
System Monforts, sliding rails (upper
and lower) provided of steel frame
Lenght 170 mm; lenght 200 mm
Ragione Sociale: GERLACH S.r.l. - Via Dell'Artigianato, 2/4 -
21040 Origgio (VA)
ITALY - Cod. Fiscale e Partita IVA: 01211290125
Ufficio del Registro delle Imprese di: VARESE - Numero di iscrizione REA: 163486 - Capitale Sociale interamente versato: Euro 103.300.00 PRIVACY - COOKIE